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October 2015

I am pleased to announce our next medicine drum making workshop running in East Gosford, on the Central Coast of NSW. The medicine drum is also known as the “shamanic drum”.

The foundation of the workshop & the drum making process revolves around exploring, unpacking, and understanding your own birth. My teacher, Jane Hardwick Collings suggests that by revisiting our birth (our first rite of passage) we can better approach, understand, and process other rites of passages…such as birthing our babies and birthing projects. (Even if you have birthed before, every subsequent birth matters!) So this workshop would be extra awesome for pregnant mammas and dads…..and those wanting to deepen their understanding of how they “do the creative process”.

Some of the feedback from past participants includes:

“The workshop was a journey of self realisation where you find patterns in your life. It was about giving birth to beautiful drum. It is not just drum making. I was blown away with how Gypsy and Karl held space for us. It was one of the best Spirtual journey I have ever taken. A journey that I could go beyond my mind and bring spirit energy to my body, heart and most importantly to drum. The journey was even more interesting when you had mix of masculine and feminine energy as each gender brought profound birth meaning to workshop. Even though it was a challenging process as any birth is, I still had a beautiful smile in my heart, mind and face. I loved all the shamanic journey and learning how to play the drum. Seriously words cannot describe this process and how these two beautiful people take care of you”

“Thank you again for the wonderful weekend & all the sharing & guidance you have provided throughout the birthing of our drums & ourselves! It has been an experience beyond words and one that I am sure will keep revealing its gifts for years to come….I have already had a couple of insights that came to me regarding similarities in my birth & how my life unfolds & have become even more aware of the need to heal my mother/father wound. I am sure it will just keep coming ..”

Tickets here.

Full details are on the flyer below.

Spring Flyer

We hope you can join us.


Gypsy and Karl

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